There is something beautiful about being chosen: chosen to be someone's wife, chosen for a job, chosen for an award. It speaks of our value to someone else, and it is a hallmark of being loved.

Today I resumed my Bible reading where I'd left off, in the Old Testament right after Solomon has finished building the Lord's temple. In my reading, God comes to Solomon and says (my paraphrase), Solomon, this temple is great. I will dwell there forever. But you need to know, just like I told your dad, I will stay with you and your family line as long as you seek me. As soon as you turn your hearts to other gods, though, I will remove myself from your people Israel until you repent.
God had been chosen by Solomon (as Solomon had been chosen by God), but God wasn't satisfied by being chosen once. Like me in my dream, he knows the depth of love and dedication of those around Him not by being chosen once at confirmation, affirmation of faith, baptism, or at the prayer tent at Lifelight. God wants me—and you—to choose Him daily.
I'm thankful that something as simple as a dream about marriage can remind me about God's truth and about where my heart needs to be. What are you doing today to choose your spouse, and even more importantly, what are you doing to be a dedicated follower of Christ?