
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Author of It All

One of my first years of teaching, I assigned my freshmen to write book reports. One of the stipulations, I said, was that they had to include information about the authors. One freckle-faced freshman popped in to my room a few days later after school. "Mrs. V., I can't find any information about this author. I looked on the flap where you told us to, but there's nothing there." I took the book from her hands and turned it over. It was The Story of My Life by Helen Keller.

It is one of the stories from teaching that I enjoy retelling; I love remembering our laughter after we realized how silly the question was. It reminds me, though, of what people say about God. How can God be here? Why doesn't He talk to me? How do you know He exists?

We have more than a book with his name in it. For me, all I have to do is look at the wonders of creation: the pureness of a blue sky, the majesty of mountains, the magic of plant growth, the abundance of life in the oceans, the love of a child. I look at those things and think, how can there not be a God?

We have His story and His creation. How much more convincing could we possibly need?